Rational men among us state plainly - that no ghosts walk among us. But they haven’t really searched the shadows, or smelled the sweet musk-roses you wore when windchimes twinkle like your laugh.
If ghosts haunt, then spirits linger. If ghosts bedevil and terrorize, spirits hangout, abide and remain. Time is as nothing to them, they are now and they are then. We are shadows, that are becoming shadows, that were shadows before.
Rational men know what they see, but they’re dull and though waking, remain unaware that lemures tamper, with impressions, subconscious voices and barely perceptible shenanigans, across death’s thin, permeable veneer.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Shenanigans: devious tricks
Lemures = From Roman mythology: spirits who become involved with the living.