I really didn't mean it, promise I never even seen it done it accidentally on purpose instead when its comes to purpose, I’m renowned for being earnest besides you secretly enjoy being completely misled
accidentally on purpose, accidentally on purpose rules don’t have the same applicability its only just a circus, when its accidentally on purpose its a far lower threshold of culpability
don't do me this disservice, it was accidentally on purpose, please consider when apportioning blame when its accidentally on purpose, almost doing you a service the blame is not even close to the same
There’s a thing called caveat emptor, its supposedly there to protect ya sadly not against other’s intentionality when its accidentally on purpose, this rule’s completely out of service tis writ in the annals of human morality
accidentally on purpose, accidentally on purpose usual rules they just don't apply, accidentally on purpose, that’s why you cannot deter us it permits me to self-indemnify