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Nov 2022
I'm sure not good with confrontation,  
But this lack of communication,
has me uptight and suffocatin',  
Tell me what's a girl gotta do?  
'Sent subtle hints and you still haven't a clue,  
Don't I deserve a little explanation?  
Just a little one on one,  
A bit of understandin',  
Unless you are bored and already done.

You make it hard to stay and even harder to leave,
You make it terribly, awfully, difficult to believe,
That out of everyone you were ready to get down on one knee,
When you once loved me,

It's either you let me go and cast out another line,
Or finally make up your mind,

But if I still make your heart beat,
If the thought of me still give you butterflies,
If I'm still the one you want to keep,
If there is still forever in your eyes
Then, sweep me off my feet,  
and take my breath away,
Like you do regardless every day,
What isn't there to understand?
Make up your mind,
And take my hand,
How's one to get through to you?  
What's a girl gotta do?
I edited my last poem.
Summer Shellhamer
Written by
Summer Shellhamer  19/F/Pottsville PA.
(19/F/Pottsville PA.)   
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