give me water, give me fire, let me scribe with blood my ire emblazon vellum with his name blot it out, end his game
languid, lazy, sunny summers, blackened by the bombinating darts of death from droning drummers, breath of babies desecrating,
permeating peculiar fragrance hypnotised by his own cadence Β avuncular charm to the rabble made himself a Tower of Babel
as he faces interlocutor forked tongue slithering with sick ease he the notorious persecutor refusing onus of war-freeze
proffering peace with guileful lips whilst he plans apocalypse ignore the innocent, defile the dying, hell created through his lying
O give me fire, give me water, let me scribe with blood his slaughter let me scrub out cursed name blot it out and end his game
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge #emblazon bombinating peculiar cadence avuncular rabble interlocutor notorious onus proffer defile languid