As a student I was very talkative, Sometimes I would talk nonstop, And disrupt the class, Exasperated my teacher told me to write an essay,"Why I enjoyed talk8ng. So I wrote: When mum was pregnant with me, She loved to nap under our mango tree with a book in the afternoon, My grandmother would caution her not to sit under any tree as suspicious witches lived there, But mum would not heed her. Now a good talkative witch lived in that tree And as mum napped we would talk for hours giggling and laughing Sometimes grandmother would call out to mum for tea, But the witch made sure mum was in deep sleep, The witch enjoyed my company You see she was the only one left in the tree, Her family had gone to live in the baobab tree, So she felt lonely. All those months I had become a chatterbox, Even after birth I started to coo all the time, Bewitched by a witch I am ma'am. 26/2/2025