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Aug 2022
Gather around
Listen to my voice
I bring you news
And i bring a choice
Some shall lament
While others rejoice
But a decision will be made
When i hear everyones choice

The town is in peril
The streets filled with chaos
People turned meek
While others become callous
The leaders have met
And come up with a plan
To rid the town of demons
And return the streets to man

Either put up the walls
Return to the old ways
Or survive the demons
And live in chaos for all your days
The decision is yours
So choose wisely
The demons are harsh
But the old days should not be taken lightly

Let the people speak
And decide their fate
I pray you choose quick
Before its too late
The town is being overrun
At a steady rate
So the final decision
Will be announced at a later date
Written by
J-Long  25/M/Canada
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