When will you start showing me respect? Sick of being put down How can I feel welcome in a place Where it is clear I'm not wanted around? A moment of peace all I want Chaos surrounds every day You are center of it all The aggressive words you say Families supposed to show love You just show level of disgust Unhappy with my behavior Incapable of giving trust What can I achieve to make you proud? Each time I try I fail Impossible getting back on track In fact fear we will derail You complain about the state of things Nothing I do ever appears to be right When I sit still and do nothing at all That becomes one more reason to fight Your insecurities projected on us You are too stubborn to see Picking apart my character Convinced the problem is me But if fault is really mine Why am I not the only one? Friction found in every conversation Battles never done I try making you understand I'm not strong enough to break through In these confrontations Common denominator is you