As Christmas day will soon be here, our journey,
This life, has taken us through, another year,
Enjoyment during the season, full of cheer,
Take time to think, why are we here?
So much talk, commercialism, starts earlier each year,
We all hold memories, of the holiday, in different ways,
Always remember the first Christmas day.
Much talk about gifts, colorful, decorations,
We need to look at our life, the roads we travel,
Our special, inner inspiration.
Many plan for weeks, to create, a special day,
We all need to arrange our life, remember,
Our final destination, be prepared, every day.
Our travels in this life, will soon enter the year 2022,
Share, help others, this world is for all to learn.
Look for, talk about the good in others,
As you would want them to do to you.
The Original Tom Maxwell ©12/06/2019 ( original 2002 )