The only boy in the family got drafted into the army. He saw that the journey away from home might be his last. "Mother, please take this rose. I will come back once it has withered," the young man said to his mother as he wiped the tear on her cheek. He went down the road looking at the sky. The rose never withered, and the boy never returned. His ashes were scattered in the winds by the explosion that devastated his journey. His name got engraved on a stone, and that is what's left of him. One time he prayed to return and two times he perished. One time he was posthumously awarded and two times he was remembered. ------------ Memorial to the people that gave their lives for their cause. They headed to the battlefield with enormous courage, fought for what they believe in and caught the prize of remembrance and honor. Even though they wanted to live happily with their families.
Many children were left without their dads and many grandchildren had no grandfathers there to love and play with. All of this was because of the desire to conquer and wishes for fortune of some people.
Here this stone will remain with the names of the fallen heroes for eternity. For their families to remember and what they could have had if it wasn't for the mindless people and their blade of destiny. The flowers we put show that their sacrifice wasn't in vain.