a child approached me the other day and said "I just want someone to hold me" this child who didn't know me at all who trusted too much and too fast began to pour onto me their every sorrow told me stories of the people who were hurting them told me stories of their family and the people they like and the people they'd like to kiss and I was paralyzed I wanted to say, "You can't say these things to strangers, You need to be careful, You need to keep these things to yourself" but instead, I heard their words and I heard myself at that age crying out the same words the same pleas to strangers the same as I and I saw an opportunity to breach time and talk to myself again to save myself by saving this child I said "I understand, and that's terrible and I am so sorry that those people are hurting you and I promise you it is not your fault and I promise you it will get better and I am here for you if you need to talk, or to vent and I am here and I promise you and I promise."
I know that I'm not dangerous but still I don't want this child to believe it's okay to talk to anyone like this so I try to fulfill these wishes try to help this person without encouraging that behavior even though I know because I Was Them that it will do nothing to end the desperation and the loneliness that they will try again and again from one to another and another to fill that aching void that only wishes to be seen by someone or to be held
It is dangerous, to be so young and need to be held.
I feel so old, being for the first time on the receiving end of such an encounter. It makes my blood boil to think of the others who've taken advantage of such
I have to help them before someone else hurts them further