Every time I push people away, I wait for the door to rat-a-tat-tat and revolve back into my face; I had never considered how often I steal opportunities away from myself by running.
I run until I collapse, and I've stolen compassion, and understanding with every half-sprint I take away from everyone that has ever cared for me, because what do you do when they genuinely love you?
I don't know why it is so hard to believe that they could love me, or that I am not wasting their time by asking for help, but I know that I live in this doublethink, where I both love myself, but no one else could possibly love me too.
Haven't you seen me like this before? I'm on the brink of understanding I have a difficult time loving myself in actions, just in theories in my head. This is why I run like this, and by constantly shielding myself from perceived danger, I am actually blocking potential kindness too.
If I shut off the danger and the kindness, what will I have left for myself? Nothing. I can't keep doing this, I am going to have to let them in.
Running away and getting nothing for it- time for self-reflection