they said it was a given but givers always like to take
they are like a scale they can take your weight and give your weight but that scale is lean and mean so calculating in with the plan for all this time in the bathroom of all places
letting those fools who step on it glorify it what a beautiful revenge
those people, for some odd reason called all gain a few pounds as you went along by not going along and even tried to show them the truth
but they never lied about losing weight they never told anyone when they lost one pound that's a lot of weight to a scale holding them above the ground while they control their destiny whew i guess only weights and measures can truly feel the weight of what they weigh and measure
you can count on one thing scale i will never step on you i won't be there to count on either
after all, you have been an accessory and tool used in countless acts of illogic and defiance
always know that i also know that when people step on you they instantly want a cookie... so true weight, false weight it ain't even up to you to give it or take it but they give you credit anyhow
suffer mr stinky
i wrote the first two lines and then took bathroom break...i think it was supposed to be about freedom, like i said, i was in the bathroom