The sting of useless, empty-headed comments, from someone you have always cherished; Brings forth a sudden sense of insecurity, and rattles the beliefs you once had treasured.
I tried not to listen to her rantings, she had been under a great deal of stress; But the more her words stuck to me like magnets, and led to a state of confusion and duress.
This person who promised to be my friend, now wound up and attacking me with shards; Of glass-like pieces cutting like a knife, and woeful stories that I needed to discard.
Using reason seemed out of the question, so I followed my heart to save my soul; No matter how long you've known someone, there's still a place for compassion and control.
I feel relieved now that I've escaped this pain, unsolicited and unworthy of time together; Being true to oneself takes strong self-assurance, which I came to know despite the 'stormy weather'
Sometimes, you just have to walk away ! Sad, but true.