Like most things there is a time to leave, a time to leave the nest one was raised in. But the question is if the flight out will be smooth.
Will you glide on ice or end up hitting rock bottom? Either way this is learning of the survival.
Unlike previous species, we are taken care of until a number deemed "adult." Other than some exceptions that is when we take off when the wings are spread out to engulf the air of what is new.
Sticks and stones break our bones, but they will forever leave a scar of a lesson learned good or bad. It is these scars that show the growth longed for problem is that the path for this growth seems to be an outline. It has been a marked trail for most in their lives so traveling off the beaten path holds a sense of uncertainty. It is either embraced, ran from or lived on the cusp.
Learning is done by experiencing by doing or watching but how can their be learning with only one teacher one voice one person speaking to you giving the answers and guidance. There needs to be an abundance of people involved.
One's skin thickness does not grow overnight but over a period of independence where you understand how to do something who you are who to let into life who to cut out and mix in some wishful thinking here and there.
We want to plant our roots let them expand let them tell their story but that is just a wish masking the underlined work. Knowing the time to leave is the start of this growth. Unlike other species, we have deemed a certain number to dictate when growth starts. Along with the exceptions, we grow we get cut down. It is all endured because of a base, a wish, a dream.
Just taking into account some of the stresses and thoughts I have had this past year.