Slide to Unlock
When inspiration is imprisoned,
a crime-of-no-passion victim,
strangled by codification,
clothed in a prison uniform,
where *uniform be another word for a
poet's death sentence.
When dream interruptus,
is a nightly altercation,
a hellacious sensation,,
rolling of the dice,
rewarding the dreamer
with an not-so-good ending to his
falling sensation,
or, for an old school type (me),
the nightmare worst:
A world sans punctuation!
The truth about what haunts you,
in the valley of dried bones grows whiter,
even Vishvaksena and his armies
helpless, cannot eradicate.
Then, yourΒ Β iPad reminds:
"Sir, sometimes you have to
Slide to Unlock!"
Slide to unlock the aggravations,
Let it out with disregard,
Let us know how you feel
When the constriction in the throat
From the things you can't say
Stops making you choke.
Truth is out of style,
common decency is a phrase
or just abused.
The only difference between liar and fair,
a single letter and a
rearrangement of the facts
to suit yourself.
So I like you fine,
I like you better even,
now that it's ok to slide
beneath the fielder's tag
and get in your face and
unlock what rumbling around
in the ruins of my psyche,
ruminations about this and that,
released with a flourish and a rich
***** you!
But I like it, like you best
when in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness,
it's ok for me to politely inform you
to fk off!
I do declare myself
and in your face
Still uninspired...dug out another old one....bit of a mess, I agree