The earth feels small, loosing size constantly as the sun lowers herself the world is immersed in her ****** streams of warmth. It is fading the sky becomes stronger, rocks us in the darkness of minor stars - so big, so far away. They matter so little It is far away, yet so big. We think of it as little.
What do they think of us? Stars are suns But are they all the same?
Millions are sweeping around the universes so big So hot Far away Looking small
They are hiding their meaning .. You have to find it
Do you want it?
The stars are suns So small But they are big If we let them be If we explore their truth
Do we mind the darkness around them? Do you see it?
Our eyes are meant to find light We focus Nobody minds
Nobody wants to find darkness We are all looking for another sun Lost in the cloak of darkness we want to escape from