While they spent a couple years in college learning calculus, I was emotionally imbalanced and so behaviorally challenged. When I was on meds and learning music, they were learning differential equations, linear algebra, and real analysis. When I changed majors to philosophy of religion, they were reading hundreds of math papers from journals in grad school. When I was getting a master's in criminal justice, taking my first statistics course, they were working on their dissertation. When I was getting an electronics degree, they were getting published and doing research at universities.
After that I started studying physics, then math. I struggle still to finish basic Calc 2&3 problems, and find it hard to get help with linear algebra. All I know is that my trajectory is anything but common. And the way I cover material would not be taught in most schools and universities. It is more like the Montessori schools: I have an innate path to psychological development, and I act freely, supposedly creating my optimal way.