Where the run-from One Haunts my every thought, And calls out to me With seductive roars
[And I know her too well; I know her too often]
While the chase-after Other Graces my every dream, And dances upon the earth With footsteps as soft as a whisper
[And, oh, this Other I long to know; Oh, this Other I long to hold]
I’m caught in a game Of hide-and-seek…
Inspired by Ecclesiastes 7
As other wisdom teachers have done (see Proverbs 1-9), the author of Ecclesiastes depicts folly and wisdom in terms of two women: one a pernicious seductress and the other an elusive virtuous bride.
Humanity is caught in a crazy game of seeking and finding. People are constantly chased by Folly, a dangerous “woman” from whose deadly snares they must try to escape; but only those favored by God can do so, while others inevitably are caught (7:26). At the same time, one tries desperately to find Wisdom, the “woman” who could save one from danger, but she is elusive (7:24, 28).