Small circles of steam rise from seething ground shiny beans soaring just within touching the glass surfaces of the french windows,
celebrating mid morning blessings sun is bright yellow, kindly shining, simultaneously, it showers touching...nourishing hydrangeas, purplish wood sorrels snake plants, lilies...and my soul.
there's laughing and hurrying to gather near-dry clothes from the clothesline, the rush adds fun to the day's delight, forgetting for a while life's sad plights.
sun and rain, together, influence my day, my life, my future there's a small voice i always endure i listen, though, with some pressure to possible changes in my future
i ponder, but my eyes are captured they stray further, as two yellow birds perch and search for food upon the sturdy pine tree.
eyes blink on, trying to recapture earlier thoughts...i see, there are
no more circles of steam to reflect on....they have now vanished, found their way :::::: out-- :::::: of the french windows... ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::