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Feb 2021
I find you in that morning sky,
in the bird songs and the fresh air
I find you in the flower
with sweet smell!
You're in the happiness of bees.

You're on wet leaves of dew
and in the early dawn
You're in the green branches of spring
You're at the beginning of ray.
O God, the rising sun follows
your command every day.

Oh my God,
Bless me like this beautiful nature!
I pray to you this heavenly morning-
Give me patience and make me pious;
Lord, forgive me with your mercy, please!
My latest book "Love Falls With Tears" is live on amazon.
Imran Islam
Written by
Imran Islam  31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ
(31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ)   
         Sharon Talbot, ---, SiouxF, Muluuta Mugagga, Janna B and 67 others
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