riled in slumber her face fevered cussed about the terrain of a floral breeding bedding patterns and the print bunched in struggles in smudges an amateur trial with sisters makeup primal cosmetics make a mock daubed ceremony for slumber
dusty and museum are her dollworks an amphitheatre audience overlooming her berth flaunting the gallery shelves sustained expressionist menace Roman eyes and Victorian ridicule stuffed suffering with Ugly Duckling down ****** sawdust and your sullied label they bray and they brawl and they sluice their gull gall a sick drizzle over the sleepers form
from the exterior wild wails the weather its being drubbing peers fragile at the windowpane a raid on this vulnerable sleeper impounded in bedroom aloft raised to meet the jet stream
she is fumbled in dreams...
abraded adolescent swells judder out figments a bleed of vandals siling her muted childhood parading the playground berating old once loved playthings adopting no sympathy adapting in favour of the wild riding will of the direful pre familiar
into the woods...
a ***** charmed breath dressed smartly as boy stoppers her pathway insisting a gentleman's assistance frustrates her recitations of grandmothers doting stern teachings like fragile pottery come to harm broken into teeth the quick blood beating this nocturnal forest busy in heat bonding death to refract the hustling moon
a company of wolves fill out the clearing not a spell too soon their howls reverberate jeering mocking their new glut sifting followers from the raggle-taggle array of fools the foolish dreamers rounded up amongst them she stands red dressed and nervous one hand clasping and sexing the other
fortified a great jaw operates here an excited irresponsible mastication committed to this fairytale
...agitation in her sleep
Inspired by the movie version of The Company Of Wolves