A fall is only as bad as you make it A doorstep is not as deadly as a canyon But I would like for you to tell that To the shattered vase
The jagged edges of the broken glass Shimer and shine like blood on protruding bones
While cleaning it up I feel a sudden pain I inspect the injury A small cut has appeared on my hand Red liquid pools in the palm of my hand A chuckle emerges from my chest "In my clumsiness and neglect I have not only hurt another, but also myself. "I will let you have your revenge because I do not blame you for being spiteful."
I pick up the pieces and inspect the translucent stones "I could buy glue, pick up every piece, spend hours recreating this masterpiece." "No, I am no craftsman. I am no glasssmith." "This vase is broken." The smell of sweat and iron reminds me of the damage that I brought on myself
My body has already started the process of repair The blood has hardened to cover the wound I try not to think about it "It will sort itself out." I think to myself
I head out a second time to transport the vase Pain in my hand refuses to subside
I ignore it
Within a few steps the glass once again falls My hand throbs with sharp uncontrollable pain
The palm of my hand rotten and greened Much worse than it had seemed I look for a glove to cover the mess But the problem won't end untill it's addressed As I look for the glove the rot continues to grow But if I only find the glove no one will know Before i know it i am consumed In much less time then I presumed
My eyes open to a blinding white room Surrounded by faces of people I know Disappointed but worried I had not done what was right I had not asked for help I had not even taken care of the injury These people all care about me I had let them all down I will need to try again to move the vase But this time I know I will need help without my right hand