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Dec 2020
"I missed, miss, and kept missing you".
though you are near, you seem so far.
though we share one space, you felt so distant.
I miss you, when we used to share the same reflection.

From I to you, from me to thee
"See you soon, my dear self".
"Lovesick" can describe someone who loves someone and is unrequited in that love but it can also mean that they miss someone who they love who is away from them... like "homesick".

I know this type of poetry and topic is cliche, but it is not different from everyone who seeks improvement and change, but at the same time misses themselves time-to-time. I do not fear change and I am grateful for it, but at times it's like yearning for someone to comeback or even the slightest parts to comeback. but again "KEEP MOVING FORWARD"
I used to say that... a lot!!!
[There's nothing wrong with wanting to change and missing the changed]

This simple poetry is just a reminder that the year will end, we must face the new year and be prepared. It's not to hinder you with negativity but to boost your morale about us being changeable. To those who's seeking for change, and is changing...DO NOT BE AFRAID TO BE CHANGED.

Merry Christmas Y'all, He is with us always.

[The hashtags ain't enough, but  you knew...]
Written by
ShininGale  17/F/wakanda
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