Do they sit in their safe shade and reach a pale cold finger towards the brightness of the sun?
Do they dream of standing in the open faces turned upwards towards a sun so bright they have to close their eyes?
Do they lift their arms in sun salutations adoring the sun?
Do they yearn to feel the sun touching every inch of their naked skin?
Do they paint picture after picture of worlds filled with sun?
Do vampires long for the sun?
I am often stuck inside. I go through decades of my life where the only way I get outside is with my hubby. About a year ago, it had rained for weeks. There were 2 days predicted for sun, and hubby was working all of both of them. I cried and shut the blinds and tried to pretend it wasn't sunny out. I just couldn't get outside on my own then. Now, the last poem I posted, was about me actually walking outside, on my own, in the sun and the shadows. I'm not thrilled with the vampire imagery in this poem, but who except maybe a vampire, could understand how badly I wanted to be outside in the sun.