Like a neck-thief, falling with razor-hands razor-sharp buttocks Death to the throbbing chambers of my heart; to discard the impending Execution and repeated daily for eternity In tomorrow, the trampling story will become more and more like a murderous hair! With the nauseating vomiting of vomiting in numbers like a hanging rag doll - on a strangling rope, I tension into the ******* of the present moments and I can't understand: how far have I been able to survive when I needed Friends to help me with the laws of survival?
I am troubled and offended in the Present: Those who have made good jokes out of my peculiar eccentricity will carve me out because I will again hide from the target of their envious and petty eyes! "As a testifying fugitive, it was my scapegoat's sin to leave the brainwashed, burning lines early!" - In vain did their hyena teeth, their jackal nails being smashed against me by crushing parasites against each other, revenge-thirsty, word-of-mouth hussars: I rebelled and in me against the eternal Child who was craving humanity and would have bowed to Differential Compromises!
Even between scander-brains, gorilla-biceps, and hand-bandaged mouths, the wiser Man may not have enough to bake to escape the exaggerations of hellishly cultivated Idiots that carve a gallows to undermine the independent, valuable personality of the thinking individual! For perhaps he will come even when the fallen Man wished he could learn from his mistakes with discreet responsibility, and not only could he have had a cracked mouth — he would not bow to the waterfowl, holy as a compromising birch tree, they would respond to spider minds with witnessing redemptive reason!