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Nov 2020
I got my drivers license!!!!

Now, excitement lies an easy walk from boredom.
The second school ends, I reach for the keys,
like a seedling stalk turns to the sun.
I’m soaking in this new freedom with litmus thirst.

What a spell - “combine gravel and motors for miracles,”
I say, in my best crackly witch’s voice.

True, my mom keeps turning the music down,
someone has to chaperone - at first
- aren’t old people supposed to be hard of hearing?

I'm anfractuous in my approach to driving.
“What are you laughing at,” My mom asks.
“Nothing.” I answer, confused.
Was I laughing??
new freedom is ALWAYS exciting - will THIS freedom EVER not be exciting??
Anais Vionet
Written by
Anais Vionet  20/F/U.S.
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