Closed doors open before me again, The yawning tear in the skies threatens to be stabbed by lightning knives if I don’t pay attention, I take care. - Everything greets you as a friend here: The cathedral, which has lived for a long time, the overbearing series of battered furniture, and the portrait hall of history have long been familiar! But in school days, in the universal corridors of solitude, long-unseen faces and echoes greet, and the Inquisition of my black book is insufficient!
I never understood: If one grinds one's mind with knowledge to sharpen and stay minded, why should it be punished? When I was here at an ice age: Ladies wreaths adorned every window and they laughed intoxicated! What could have happened? Were the truth-tellers, messenger-sages, expelled? Wherever I stop in the fragmentary moment, the legitimacy of fear and dread takes hold of cells!
The whitewashed walls screaming snow-white also tell of betrayals and humiliations! Behind the doors, I still listen to the threat of unfriendly exams and exams! It carries a doom inside every minute: The time here is always over; Innocence swears with frightening humility in lamb deer eyes! "The alien passer-by is immersed here in the fog of statelessness!"
No apology! No excuse! No forgiveness! One cannot always trust here on one's own, one can hope for emerging goals!