Vapour of old ways transformed to serenade Got me crawling for the faith in which my cloak was made On a serrated path...there's a restless dance Where my freedom shines It re-alings the angry waters my fear hides And shuns the rivers in which my reflection divides In forever's eternity... My meaningless voice transfigured to clarity The liberating decay of my old molecules Couldn't led me again desperately astray Stored into a closet Where imagery of forgotten forces have been laying And pieces of glass from the mirror I've been breaking The gap between sane and desperation The bitter taste of the void fulfilled with self hatred Fought with myself through my eternal plea in this distorted realm, abandoned and sacred... Soulmate's bliss is the acceptance of a heart That pumps rusty shame into my heredity, in my static blood I swore I'll never return to old paintings hung up on my temporal wall But somehow I can't resist the urge to repaint them all Mischosen fate of thy heart illuminated and spared from walking Bring the moment of serenity the prayers are chasing This black majesty summons the fragile transparent veil In nocturnal sky with wondrous cleansing wind revealing every detail A repression did alter my seal with care and force... not to go in But I shape-shift into a disfigured reflection against my own will.