Work hard. More degrees, more success No time for rest, do your best.
Always anxious about school.
But don't you love to learn? I guess that's true but instead of feeling engaged I'm feeling more blue No longer is it about broadening your mind now it's about the endless grade grind.
You're only worth something if your grades are great Keep working hard, leisure can wait Do your masters, be grateful for education Wait.
Who's to say I want more education? Who's to say that more wealth equals more happiness?
We've become a generation bred for success be grateful for your opportunities when your parents had less. Denying university? How ungrateful can you be? I've worked so hard for you You're supposed to impress me.
We've forgotten. Nobody wants to starve, or miss paying rent But happiness is not cultivated By more dollars spent We spend our lives at work Chasing more and more Family and friends are turned into a chore.
If this is the price of success, count me out. I crave connection and belonging I need others without a doubt. Let's turn off the technology, and reflect on our paths Unless we start connecting Discontentment will unleash its wrath