My heart begins to melt while my hands sweat. I begin to hide where I dwelt. Afraid to make you upset
You make me shake like never before. My words slowly stumble and crumble. Either I'm falling or taking off to soar. I elegantly dance or tumble and fumble.
Staring into your soul through the depths of your eyes Captured in your laughter and delirious grin Reliving each moment as I agonize what I should've said when it started to begin.
Can you love me? Do I love me? If love is so powerful, why are we apart? I guess sometimes life makes us set'em free All I need to do is give up my heart
I'm not much of a romantic but I still have a soul. So here's one of my amateur love poems. I must say these things don't work as they did in the renaissance. Well, I guess being single has its pluses... I don't have to share food!