My heart rings with an increasingly dumb answer that it can no longer be, it cannot be! Two immortal passions battling the struggles of wolves within you, and yet I could not meet you forever! He blew your angelic being on the edge of Eden! - There's still no other connection! Why?
Come on! Foolish aside with the speech of a fool! - Not possible! In my lava soul, the consciousness of death is spreading, the bitter complaint of being left alone: It can no longer be a completely missed opportunity! I understood the flood of words of your tears, "Knock it down at last!" You are ANYONE! ” - Does it make sense for anything?
I wake up halfway between the waking coma in the morning, the hypnotized hibernation, maybe waking up from latte: It's so incomprehensible that you can't be by my side when I need you, you're not with me! Without you, I look like burnt-out wreckage, rusting bodies! I really miss the radiation of your being's nuclear nucleus, its constantly feeding cosmic energy!
It would still be so good to exchange a word or two of friends with you liberated, without restraints, before your pessimistic sense of existence is finally infected! - I still wonder: Did I ruin everything or, if we knew we didn't fit together, why did he stop with a commanded law: The Mood of the Heart?
I have lost you forever, irreversibly! And I do not know in the trenches of unpredictable destinies when I will be able to meet you again; not with you, not without you passing by? The pensive Time repeats itself, still falling apart, I fall to the depths quickly, the number is still half-hearted, I hear repeated stumbles, I try to avoid the painful Truth on unknown paths!
You may know: When your lily head fell asleep on the shoulders of my shoulders, I confessed the Truth: I love you very much! "Suddenly the fleeting dream fell to pieces," I had to wake up.