I watch the world and it's falling apart. It scares me, you know. Sometimes, it really does.
There's too much noise, too much happening. But it doesn't matter. I know it doesn't. But sometimes, just sometimes. I feel like it does. And then, I just wish for everything to stop.
But then I think of you. Of your smile and the kindness in your eyes. I think of how easy it was to talk to you, to be with you. And just then, I miss you. I miss you and I yearn for the day I will see you again.
Will I? Will I see you again? Will I learn to love you? To be with you? To touch you and make you mine? Oh, how I wish to find you again.
But you're too far. And there's no way for me to reach you. You're only a memory now, one that I cherish everyday. A memory that I keep alive because I pray God for our paths to meet again.