Wake! Kokura to a novel world of peace Under the canopy of dark divine clouds A million deaths and a zillion days of sufferings Ah! Flown to a distant land While the holy hands patting your shoulders Away Nagasaki crying, … a loud ghostly cry..
When the fat boy shed fireballs from above Flitting shadows unable to find a cwtch Death solidified, melted to florid streams On a boundless billowy sea of hellfire. Murky minds killing unknown souls Burnt alive was innocent, wicked and wise On their knees, a nation bend Away victory cried, … a loud cheerful cry…
Ah! Know me first before you please to squander guns, grenades or guillotines At least the cognizant me die in peace, And a better predilection for your choicest blessings. Silent guns are a hackneyed dream Begging only for a better aim Away hope loath to stop, .. a loud wishful cry…