Every day I run boxes To the doorsteps of - Magnificent houses With stone porches And towering windows That smell like wood fires During the winter And flowers during the summers With driveways that stretch nearly a mile Winding Winding Winding Down hills To overlook acres, many acres Of land They are materialized dreams
And on every mountainous stone porch Or tree trunk of a door Or posted at the very bottom of the endless winding drive- There is a doormat Or a plaque A cut metal sign "The Miller's" "THE SHERMANS" "Svobda" "Kate & Rex"
And I am momentarily so sad So jealous Because that is all I want
The woman inside has a husband With a good job And a big smile And her parents love him And he is nice to her And he built her a PALACE And that's all I want Is OUR last name on a plaque beside the door But I may never have that No matter how hard I work