A black dot at a distance, going up and down with the waves appearing and disappearing, in the dancing rays;
I lie at the seashore, with my darkly tinted glasses on; shaded by the brightly coloured umbrella above
Basking in the cool shade, and loving the fresh air I see the black dot; such tininess, against the blue backdrop
Huge ships and jet boats, swoosh the waters; creating white rush; glamorous, in the mid-afternoon spell
Time ticked off its way to dusk; growing the dot; giving it body and life; and before I knew more,
Men with galloping energy, stood there at the shore; Their muscle flexed and zeal pulsated through the air
I searched for the disappearing dot through my tinted eyes; emptiness of the sea, stared back, from the dusking sky
As the crowd swallowed me to follow the thrilled voices, of the rugged men of the sea, standing tall, on their fishing boat
I stood there; a disappearing dot in the crowd; discerning more than my tinted eyes could see.
'Everybody is genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid' - Albert Einstein