Some crave to sever a vein and aim a red stream in the bathroom stall. There's no shame in a ruthless squabble, actions speak louder in a ****** brawl. Practice makes perfect when you write your name in crimson color on your best friend's wall.
What goes up must break down, we're all going to die eventually Do you want to live forever? What goes up must look down, with eyes of sincere empathy. Love is a baby strangled and drowned, then covered in lies for society.
Love, oh love how deaf and dumb you are to the fact most people lie. After all, is said and the betrayal done I stand my ground as you take my life. I keep this promise safe and sound, no more furious tears to pry. A life of death and romance, I leave my thoughts then die.
To those who circle back around and still, I speak so honestly. Heavy is the humble crown, there's no time for arguing. I work best when feeling down, and in the end, you're just like me. What goes up must come down, death and romance, pound for pound, you made the cut I made the sound, love becomes the enemy.