I have to say, this isolation doesn't appear to be affecting me at all.
I was thinking... The wind must come from somewhere.
Do the trees make the wind with their ceaseless moving around?
“KKKeeeeepp STILL!!” I shriek at the trees from my bedroom window but they pretend not to hear. Science says trees can talk to each other over some secret, underground, filament-like network - so I know the ba$tards are listening.
And I don’t know about this new generation of birds - these tearless, happy birds that chirp just to be fashionable. They annoy me when they pretend to be unaware of the value of silence.
“Shut UP!” I scream at a speckled bird who stares down at me like I’m insignificant.
“Yeah, the woolly mammoths ignored us too,” I remind it.
I give it the two-fingered, back and forth “Yeah, I’m watching you” gesture.
Then it just chirps right past me, as if I don't exist. Aaarrrgghhh!