The point of pain is to get you to notice if your trigger warnings to flee the scene. And what’s that saying? You want to see a victim without help. Who is the one snickering in the corner pretending one didn’t eat all the cookies leaving one’s neighbor to starve. I see your passive headlights. Super-flu-us of your own designs. You only wish you could get to me so you try to take my place instead. How can one take another place before finding one’s own? Or supplant another’s home without upending your own? Foolish child hiding one’s own true heart to be seen as a star by putting on stuff that appears like stardust blingy and bright but without any real light of its own being created pure and supreme. Somehow I see I’m already living the dream. But you look and see your projected screams onto me and you can’t embrace what I bring because what would that make what you invested in saying? Hold onto those words to the bitterest ending pretending the darker the chocolate the better the berry. It’s all finer still in the end cuz no end is ever approaching except the end you imagined for me in your own dark hidden and ***** corners. But what you don’t get when you **** that trigger happy smile is that the end is only real from your own POV. So you’ll be mulling and overturning with a smirk and clinked glasses while I am always and forever only reposing in bliss that you keep forever missing