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Jul 2020
Side by side
Another name... perhaps another age
Though the Paths have changed
Her soul remains the same

She is lone Poet living on sandy earth
Bathing in sun’s light
As She Chronicles to earn her worth

Her days aligned with tide of her mood
Rising with the day-A lullaby for the night
A mediocre Substitute for a brood

On the edge of this aquatic paradise
She thinks she has all that was in store
Yet there’s a hint that she once longed for more

Something perfectly designed for her spirit
A Lingering faceless, nameless feeling
A whisper of something missing almost too soft to hear it

Too vague to define but with oneness of soul and shape
If only she could trade: if only she realized what was at stake
Only then from this slumber’s dream will she wake.
A poem about parallel universe
Written by
Shayloves  50/F
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