for years i thought i knew myself but the wind has blown me astray. with tears and scars i pleaded in vain... but the current of time has driven me too far away.
i look back but not a patch of land. beyond the water was a fading ship whose waving flag whispered farewell… and the dying light and frigid sea cast me further and further still.
these solemn nights drag on without pity. i was alone, adrift in blue that blinded; carried some place i knew not where… who knew where i was headed (but deep and dark despair (?))
to hell with it! I leave it to the wrath of the gods-- i am blind to my kismet, like a sailor in foggy seas. the first patch of land i find--i couldn’t care more what it was! I just need to find myself (a place where i’d be me).
Footnote: The poem discusses the identity crises lots of men (and of course women) face today… somehow, we just have a hard time trying to find ourselves; we’re lost, to the point that we desperately grab onto the first thing we feel will define us and give our lives meaning.
July 10, 2020 Mo David
(btw crammed reqs 'to... due siya 11:59 tinapos ko't sinubmit nung 11:58 HAHA)