sometimes the pain becomes too much and the emotions become one jumbled up mess.
you become too numb to cry you sit and stare at a wall and just wish that the tears would come so you can just let the pain out just something to let you know that you’re still... alive.
but they don’t
you continue to feel as if you are nothing as if no one cares.
your anxiety gets worse you scream you cry you want so desperately to die.. but you put on a smile because you’re the happy one right?
wrong you seem happy no one cares enough to ask “are you okay” you continue over and over to make sure that your so called friends are okay that you sacrifice your own health your own happiness and you begin to stop feeling at all
you want out but you can’t get out this is an endless cycle that you’ll be stuck in forever or at least until you decide to do something
you are standing in the bathroom bottle in hand ready to take the life that has been taken advantage of by others who don’t care
but you can’t bring yourself to do it you want out so desperately but you just can’t do it
you think about your mom your dad your baby sister the people that would care the people that’s worlds would stop if you did this you think of your dog that would whine and whine if their owner didn’t come home from school
you think of these little things you put the bottle down you walk out the bathroom and run for the people you love you hug them harder than you’ve ever hugged anyone in your life you ask for help and you live another day..