I'm morose and thinking of you I wanted to create some mental distance So I tried to think of why I dont have a crush On you The strangest thing happened I smiled I thought of your passion for life For the sea and her creatures Inexplicably I felt delight At merely knowing you If you were to reject me My pride would feel wounded I'm sure that I would be hurt Yet it's my own self doing I could accept it To be your friend I would want to be
I know you're not looking Which I find quite unfortunate Because I believe I have seen A lot of fair women None as rare as you Like a unicorn so elusive A slight glimpse of your smile Has me captivated and smitten Your wit leaves me staring at a wall With thoughts of the future at the forefront Annoyed by their ever steady presence I submit To the thought of you and I in a battle of wit
How funny and peculiar this is I started with the intention of separation Like the sun over the skyline over yonder Instead I wrote a sappy poem About you
If i continue i know the risk To get shot down over sea To find myself in a raft Desperately peddling myself back towards peace and contentment Yet this undertaking is daring I could not resist the mission For a man of romance and culture What is more valiant than the fight for her heart? With this line I do find peace Before my campaign begins Because if I fall i wont be floundering My misery and shame will be gone I accepted this of my own accord My situation is my own doing