I asked for all your blessings today So I could give back to you All the fortune and fame known to man Not sure how it is I could use
I'm sure I'll think of something Lord If you'd just give to me I'll be sitting right here on my couch Waiting patiently...
...I'm still here waiting Not quite sure you heard Don't want to be a bother Lord So I wont speak another word...
Okay...one more word Then I'll hold my tongue Right after this last request I'm sure I will be done
Perhaps I can do without the fame But the fortune would be nice I'm kind of in a hurry here So could you please pick up the pace...
It' been more than a few days now And I'm still here on my couch I now know that you took your time So I'd have time to figure out
That if I do nothing but sit around And never venture out The only fame I'll see is on my T.V. And the only fortune... The loose change that's in my couch