art is when you take something empty and give it life. art is the stroke of a paintbrush and the scribble of a pen, the sweetness of a melody, and the snap of a clapperboard, but art is also the way the grass sways in the wind and the patterns the clouds form in the sky and the rain’s decisiveness as to whether it will be a delicate murmur or a passionate roar.
art is when the harshest angles and softest curves, the highest of highs and lowest of lows, the brightest days and darkest nights, come together into something that didn’t exist in a time before you made it art is unique and bold and brave and you. everything about the art you create is you. yourself. you are your art. no one else could have made that but you. art is about how nothing in the known universe could have made what you just did and how you just did and why you just did but you did. and it’s beautiful.
I did this for a school project and figured I'd put it here since I'm pretty proud of it.