When walls become your imprisonment, A no win scenario with a raging sickness, You miss your camera capturing snapshots of life passing by.
You are one in a collective of people, holding each other metaphysically to barricade the vulnerable, this is more than just you.
You pace, you pass time, and you precise your ideas of freedom, You may even do a painting or two, A Tik Tok while the clock ticks.
Reflections of your most inner turmoil surface, Pressures of life continuing with you boxed and it builds Deadlines Deaths Destability
When you just can't take it any more, You bash against the door, striving for that one touch, one feeling of hope you will break free of the airborn seel
The door opens
Five is sprayed on your steps, and in your mind.
You would do everything to chase the sunrise as it greets you again