Insanity calling out to me seductively. My whispered name floating on winds scented breath. Peering out my window, though the silence is deafening, I can hear the screaming sound of silent death.
I can hear its unrest If I listen even closer I can hear it confess It says that it's sorry, it knows it's a pest However, this is it's nature Like humans capturing beauty in cages, our nature's coded in the oppressed.
It's just doing what it's design to do That is to destroy, Or to survive There's always two sides to a coin. I personally think we to blame This is what our destruction caused This Earth is in pain. I think it's defending itself Yeah, maybe, I know This sounds insane
Then I ask...
Would you not defend yourself If you continually being flayed The essence that is you Gets repeatedly drained Even the deepest of ocean is not safe We are the human race, we infest every space In our accomplishments Beauty gets destroyed, captured in paintings Get locked in a safe.
What I'm trying to convey This virus is only giving in to it's nature Same as the human race It seems it's out to destroy Until one day, The earth will truly be grasping at it's last breath Intoxicating air, the air not breathable, unfresh Of feeling it's devoid. With it's very last hope, the human race and it's virus, deaths will be deployed.
Thoughts in isolation It keeps the time running Hopefully the virus end is coming So back into the darkness we plummet And become the corporations Puppets We live to exist. Just hope there's a second coming.