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Apr 2020
So It Seems That GREED...
Is Part of The Disease That Corona Breeds... !?!

Human Beings Now Behaving Like Demons... !?!
In The Name of Preservation While Corona’s Dictating...
A Need To Be Stationed At Home or Face Facing...

A Form of Detainment Or Penalty Payments...
For Being Outside Which Doesn’t Right... ?!?
Being Made To Pay Fines For... Distancing Crimes... !!!

Seems Like GREED To Me...
By Ministries And These Government Fiends...

Who Would Seem To Be The Ones Responsible...
For The Spread of This Disease That’s Now Breeding Overseas...

Like Poker High Rollers Just Ask MOLLY...
Because The Bloom of Greed Is A RECURRING Theme... !!!

From Euro Countries...  
Now In Need of Money...
To Those Who OVERSEE...
Who Their Money Should Reach...
In Times Like... THESE... !!!

Well It’s GREEDY Teams Who Seem To Believe...
That Money Will Save The Human Race...
From Having To Eternally... “ ISOLATE “... !?!

I Mean.... SERIOUSLY...
How Does Being Humane...
Relate To... “ PAY “... ???

Do Insurance Claims And Interest Rates...
TRULY Equate To Saving Those...
Whose Cashflow's Slowed With Corona In Tow... ?!?
These Greedy Folks Are Reaching New Lows...

..... And That’s NO JOKE..... !!!!!

It’s So Sad To See That Human GREED...
Is Proving To Be As Dangerous As This Corona Disease... !!!

From Companies Whose Bosses Bleed...
Their Employees Like... VAMPIRIC Breeds... !?!
Who Now Won’t Give Their Workers An Inch...
When It Comes To... Payment Benefits...

Especially Now That People Are Sick...
With No Quick Fix To This Corona Sitch’...

Where Panic Buyers Are Now Retired...
So Now HAVE To Join Queues Just To Shop For Food... !?!

It’s A Crazy Groove That’s Now In Use... !!!
Greedy Crews... Are Now In View... !!!

From Corporate Crews Who Use Boardrooms...
To Business Moves From People Who...
Are Placing LOOT... ABOVE Being Shrewd... ?!?!?

To Street Teams Who Are Quick To Shoot...
When Cash Is Owed To GREEDY Blokes... !!!!  

Whose Business NOW...
Is DECREASING... Just Like The Dow... !!!

It’s A Time Where Greed...
May Now Be Seen Through TECHNOLOGY... !!!

You See Greedy Themes...
Have NOT Disappeared...
And... This Is CLEAR... !!!

The Human Breed’s Now Embracing Fear...
As Well As Vaccines That May NOT Be FREE...

And Then MAYBE... The People Will See...
That Government Teams May Be Running Speech...
About Helping Peeps’ To Stay... HEALTHY... !!!!!!!!

But BEHIND The Scenes There’s... MUCH To See...
That May Just Be Connected To Schemes...

Where Technology Breeds...
Digitised Streams For Cash Money...

The Type of Policies That Will Surely Feed...
NEW WORLD Regimes With Their Wish To See...

A Human Breed That’s On Their Knees...
And Unable To Impede Their Pursuit of POWER ...

Which INEVITABLY Tends To Lead...  


...... “ GREED “...... !!!!
Sadly it seems, even in times like these, there are quite a few people, who can't see beyond their greed !!!
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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