7 billion lively spirits 7 billion stories in the iris 7 billion is the population of humans in this world But not 7 billion got humanity to hurl
World parted into two Parted into two human zoos Where the brain exists but isn't sensitive Where biasing people on debris stuff is intuitive
World parted on bottom of the wealth Privilege to one, poverty to others in stealth Widening ineffectual separation Filth full games of oppression
World parted on bottom of skin color and religion Since when color became dominating and moral teaching became about ill-treating Since when love chose the place where you're from And not the story imprinted on your palm
Parting in two segments of goods and bads on both side Cities will have the "Posh" area and the other ugly side The probability to find your soulmate might go one by two As he or she will be on the side of the city divided by you