Today, I got to open the door They **** everywhere They **** in the elevator, in the long hallway, in the truth vending machine: My brave heart sought a glance from, Countless(not always) times averted had I, Now I sought(in snatches)- vain and askance I stood, exacted by the same meekness. I could've atleast cried aloud within, My throbbing brain alone.
Resolve and break off, neatly tucked away. 'Egomaniac!' They **** in my bathroom. They are in a storm. But eyes unclouded, I could see! Them *******, Their hands all over... Exhaust pipes mirroring worlds, for all they care. They are clad in white, faces and all. When I lie, telling the truth again: Following it. Asking favours when dumb. Part of them now stick out of me, Devolving white into the storm. They're seen with my eyes, trained in my mind, Open my door.