As the morning breeze springing sprightful fragrance Stolen cleverly when he kissed the soft colourful petals I woke up into a new fresh delightful daylight To taste once more my honeyed life and my blossoming day. From my flat laying lazily at level six I was contented to watch the sunrise He rose with all his fervor and might And I wished him a happy day out. The sighing wind called me to look down the streets Where I saw people in masks treading hastily Like ants rushing here and there in hurry Never they wish nor smile to any other faces. Stand alone in bunches they waited for their turn In buses or cars which ever halted to pick Like strange samurai soldiers flying to a war zone Never they wish nor smile to any other faces. Fearful glances and rushing little steps Even the whisking dresses frightfully heard as sneezes My heart cried and burned seeing those pity stances Oh, dear little creatures, stop your playful bounces. The mighty human race moving towards a comess When like weird aliens, Covid trying to invade But tomorrow we will rise from our burning ashes To tame you and make you a story for our coming cradles.